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Ice Hockey Wiki

The Swiss 4.Liga is the lowest league in Switzerland.

The top teams are promoted to the Swiss 3.Liga.


The 2.Liga is divided in three divisions: Ostschweiz (East Switzerland; OS), 13 teams; Zentralschweiz (Central Switzerland; ZS), 12 teams and Suisse Romande (Romandie, SR).

Flag of Switzerland Ice hockey in Switzerland Flag of Switzerland
National League A         HC Ambri-PiottaEHC BielSC BernHC DavosHC Fribourg-GottéronGenève-Servette HCKloten FlyersSCL TigersHC LuganoRapperswil-Jona LakersEV ZugZSC Lions
National League B         HC LausanneHC La Chaux-de-FondsEHC VispEHC BaselGCK LionsHC AjoieSC LangenthalEHC OltenHC ThurgauHC Sierre-AnniviersHC Neuchâtel Young Sprinters
Men's Swiss National TeamWomen's Swiss National Team

Flag of Switzerland
This article is part of the Swiss hockey portal