Ice Hockey Wiki
Ice Hockey Wiki

Lorne Molleken (born June 11, 1956 in Regina, Saskatchewan) is a former Canadian player and coach. Molleken was head coach of the Chicago Blackhawks at the end of the 1999 and the beginning of the 2000 season. He was nominally demoted to an assistant under Bob Pulford in December 1999, but Pulford allowed Molleken to continue making most of the on-ice decisions while serving largely as a senior consultant.

Lorne Molleken played junior hockey for the Swift Current Broncos, Lethbridge Broncos, and the Winnipeg Clubs from 1972 to 1976. He then played minor pro hockey until he retired in 1985.

He would also coach the Saskatoon Blades, Cape Breton Oilers, and Hamilton Bulldogs.


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Chicago Blackhawks Head Coaches
MuldoonStanleyLehmanGardinerIrvinShaughnessyTobin • Irvin • IversonMathesonGormanLoughlinStewartThompsonGottseligConacherGoodfellowAbelEddolls • Irvin • IvanPilousReayWhitePulfordJohnstonMagnuson • Pulford • Tessier • Pulford • MurdochKeenanD. SutterHartsburgGrahamMolleken • Pulford • SuhonenB. SutterYawneySavardQuennevilleColliton