Ice Hockey Wiki
1937–38 British Ice Hockey season
Sport ice hockey

The 1937–38 British Ice Hockey season featured the English National League and Scottish National League.[1]

English National League[]

English National Tournament[]


Group A

Club GP W L T GF-GA Pts
1. Wembley Monarchs 12 7 4 1 32:29 15
2. Harringay Racers 12 5 3 4 34:30 14
3. Earls Court Rangers 12 3 4 5 40:35 11
4. Streatham 12 4 8 0 28:45 8

Group B

Club GP W L T GF-GA Pts
1. Harringay Greyhounds 12 9 2 1 47:28 19
2. Wembley Lions 12 4 3 5 45:33 13
3. Brighton Tigers 12 1 9 2 24:50 4



London Cup[]


First round



Scottish National League[]

Glasgow Mohawks won the championship and received the Canada Cup.[2]

Date Team 1 Score Team 2
10/1 Mohawks 3 - 1 Lions
10/5 Perth Black Hawks 7 - 1 Mustangs
10/6 Perth Panthers 5 - 0 Kelvingrove
10/8 Perth Black Hawks 6 - 0 Lions
10/12 Perth Panthers 10 - 0 Mustangs
10/13 Mohawks 1 - 1 Kelvingrove
10/15 Mustangs 6 - 1 Lions
10/19 Perth Panthers 2 - 1 Mohawks
10/22 Perth Black Hawks 8 - 5 Kelvingrove
10/22 Perth Panthers 15 - 3 Lions
10/27 Kelvingrove 3 - 1 Mustangs
10/28 Perth Black Hawks 3 - 2 Mohawks
10/30 Lions 2 - 1 Kelvingrove
11/2 Mohawks 6 - 0 Mustangs
11/5 Mohawks 6 - 4 Lions
11/5 Perth Panthers 7 - 5 Perth Black Hawks
11/9 Perth Black Hawks 3 - 1 Mustangs
11/10 Perth Panthers 7 - 2 Kelvingrove
11/15 Lions 4 - 3 Perth Black Hawks
11/19 Mohawks 2 - 2 Kelvingrove
11/19 Perth Panthers 6 - 4 Mustangs
11/23 Mustangs 2 - 1 Lions
12/24 Perth Panthers 10 - 4 Mohawks
11/26 Perth Black Hawks 3 - 0 Kelvingrove
12/1 Lions 6 - 3 Perth Panthers
12/7 Kelvingrove 3 - 2 Mustangs
12/8 Perth Black Hawks 5 - 0 Mohawks
12/21 Mohawks 2 - 0 Mustangs
12/22 Perth Panthers 4 - 2 Perth Black Hawks
1/4 Lions 4 - 3 Mohawks
1/7 Perth Panthers 2 - 1 Kelvingrove
1/7 Perth Black Hawks 2 - 2 Mustangs
1/11 Perth Black Hawks 3 - 2 Lions
1/12 Perth Panthers 6 - 3 Mustangs
1/14 Mohawks 2 - 2 Kelvingrove
1/18 Mustangs 2 - 2 Lions
1/19 Perth Panthers 4 - 2 Mohawks
1/21 Perth Black Hawks 4 - 0 Kelvingrove
1/25 Lions 5 - 3 Perth Panthers
1/28 Perth Black Hawks 1 - 0 Mohawks
1/28 Perth Panthers 3 - 1 Lions
2/1 Lions 4 - 1 Kelvingrove
2/2 Mohawks 1 - 0 Perth Black Hawks
2/4 Perth Black Hawks 8 - 2 Perth Panthers
2/8 Mohawks 3 - 1 Lions
2/9 Perth Black Hawks 1 - 0 Mustangs
2/11 Kelvingrove 4 - 1 Perth Panthers
2/15 Perth Black Hawks 3 - 1 Lions
2/18 Perth Panthers 4 - 0 Mustangs
2/18 Mohawks 3 - 0 Kelvingrove
2/23 Mustangs 3 - 1 Lions
3/1 Mohawks 4 - 2 Perth Panthers
3/2 Kelvingrove 5 - 1 Perth Black Hawks
3/18 Mustangs 5 - 4 Mohawks
3/18 Lions 2 - 1 Kelvingrove
3/22 Mustangs 3 - 1 Mohawks
3/23 Perth Black Hawks 5 - 3 Perth Panthers
3/24 Mohawks 3 - 1 Lions
3/29 Perth Black Hawks 7 - 2 Mustangs
3/30 Perth Panthers 7 - 5 Kelvingrove
4/1 Perth Black Hawks 2 - 1 Lions
4/5 Perth Panthers 12 - 5 Mustangs
4/8 Mohawks 2 - 2 Kelvingrove
4/12 Perth Panthers 3 - 2 Mohawks
4/13 Perth Black Hawks 6 - 2 Kelvingrove
4/15 Perth Panthers 6 - 2 Lions
4/19 Kelvingrove 3 - 2 Mustangs
4/22 Mohawks 5 - 4 Perth Black Hawks
4/22 Kelvingrove 7 - 3 Lions
4/26 Mohawks 4 - 3 Mustangs
4/27 Perth Panthers 4 - 3 Perth Black Hawks
4/29 Lions 9 - 0 Kelvingrove
5/3 Mustangs 6 - 0 Kelvingrove
5/5 Mustangs 3 - 2 Kelvingrove
5/6 Lions 4 - 2 Mustangs
Club GP W L T GF-GA Pts
1. Perth Panthers 25 19 6 0 131:77 38
2. Perth Black Hawks 25 17 7 1 95:54 35
3. Glasgow Mohawks 25 11 10 4 66:63 26
4. Glasgow Lions 25 9 15 1 65:90 19
5. Glasgow Mustangs 25 7 16 2 58:95 16
6. Kelvingrove 25 6 15 4 52:88 16

Mitchell Trophy[]


Team 1 Team 2 Score Round
Perth Panthers Glasgow Mustangs 2:1 1st
Glasgow Lions Kelvingrove 6:1 1st
Perth Black Hawks Perth Panthers 3:2 Semis
Lions Glasgow Mohawks 3:0 Semis
Lions Perth Black Hawks 3:0 Final

President's Pucks[]


Team 1 Team 2 Score Round
Glasgow Mohawks Kelvingrove 2:1 1st
Perth Black Hawks Perth Panthers 6:1 1st
Mohawks Glasgow Lions 2:1 Semis
Perth Black Hawks Glasgow Mustangs 7:1 Semis
Perth Black Hawks Mohawks 4:1 Final - 1st leg
Perth Black Hawks Mohawks 0:0 Final - 2nd leg


  1. British National League Standings. Hockey
  2. Marshall, William S (2014). Frozen in Time: The Lost History of Scottish Ice Hockey 1895-1940. The Grimsay Press. ISBN 978-1845301514. 
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